The Friday afternoon concert dedicated to music originally written for the accordion was a big success this year because of so many participants. It was a program of music which most people had not heard.
The program was:
The Four Seasons (Chinese Folk Song) ………………….………….. (Arranged by Lemi Yang)
The FY Women’s Choir accompanied by Lemi Yang, Jane Christison, Betty Jo Simon
Weiping Fan, Conductor
In My Solitude ……………………………………………...………………….. Amy Jo Sawyer
Amy Jo Sawyer and Joseph Natoli, Accordion Duo
Danse Tsinganoi (Dedicated to Linda Soley Reed) ………………………… Daniel Mastroiani
The UMKC Community Accordion Ensemble
Ron Barrow, Jane Christison, Mary Ann Covone, Ron Dake, Kevin Friedrich, Christine Jarquio Nichols, Betty Jo Simon, Samantha Jarquio Wagner, Cathy Weiss (Accordions)
Joan Sommers, Conductor
Cubana …………………………………………….…………………………. Franck Angélis
Beverley Fess, Accordion Soloist
Introduction and Allegro for Accordion and Synthesized Tape …… …….……. Karen Fremar
Tango Abstraktigo ………………………………………………………………… Adolf Götz
Mary Ann Covone, Accordion Soloist

A New Beginning (Dedicated to Joan Sommers & UMKC Accordion Ensemble) Joseph Natoli
Samantha Jarquio Wagner, Featured Soloist
Kenn Baert, Ron Barrow, Paula Bechtold, Gail Campanella, Jane Christison, Mary Ann Covone, Ron Dake, Joanna Darrow, Beverley Fess, Liz Finch Finch, Kevin Friedrich, Joan Grauman, Esther Lanting, Karen Lee, Christine Jarquio Nichols, Amy Jo Sawyer, William Morse,
Betty Jo Simon, Cathy Weiss (Accordions)
Nathan Holman, Stuart Hoskins (Timpani, Percussion, Vibraphone)
Joan C. Sommers, Conductor
The Four Seasons was heard for the first time as was Danse Tsinganoi and A New Beginning, (although it had never been with this many players and the assisting timpanist/percussion/vibes).
Cubana is a new solo written for stradella instruments and appears in one of the new solo books by Angélis. Tango Abstraktigo comes from a book of tango solos by various composers.